ENFJ: What are their personality traits and the career options that suits them?

ENFJs are idealist organizers who work to improve mankind. They perceive potential in others and work to catalyze growth. ENFJs focus on ideals, vision, and people’s possibilities. They’re enthusiastic, motivated, and generally busy. They’re also sensitive to others’ needs and conscious of human misery. However, they remain hopeful and forward-thinking, recognizing opportunities for progress.

With that being said let us know more about this personality type.

What does ENFJs stands for?

ENFJs stand for Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging. They are one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

ENFJs are known as “the givers.” They are outgoing and people-oriented, and they care deeply about making sure others are happy. ENFJs want to create harmonious environments and relationships.

They’re typically good at reading people and understanding their needs. And they’re often natural leaders, motivators, and cheerleaders.

ENFJs tend to be very organized and detail-oriented. They like to have a plan and a vision for what they want to accomplish. ENFJs also value tradition and stability.

Combination of personality traits in ENFJ

Here are the combination of personality traits in ENFJ:

1. Dominant: Extraverted Feeling

ENFJs have a strong Extraverted Feeling (Fe) function which enables them to easily read other people’s emotions and understand what they need. This dominant function also gives them a great deal of charisma and persuasive power.

2. Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition

ENFJs also have a well-developed Introverted Intuition (Ni) function which allows them to see patterns and possibilities that others may not be aware of.

3. Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing

Tertiary Extraverted Sensing (Se) gives ENFJs an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, as well as a hunger for new experiences. Se also provides ENFJs with an ability to quickly notice when something is out of place or needs attention.

4. Inferior: Introverted Thinking

Inferior Introverted Thinking (Ti) helps ENFJs develop logical arguments and solve problems objectively. It can also be a source of stress for them, as they may sometimes second-guess themselves or overthink things unnecessarily.

Personality type of ENFJs in details

Looking at the list of personality traits, it’s not hard to see why people with these characteristics are some of the most likely to succeed in life. They’re active and pleasant, which makes them good at networking and socializing. They’re also demanding and impatient, which means they’re used to getting what they want and won’t settle for anything less. Lastly, they’re appreciative and compromising, meaning they know how to show appreciation for what others do and are willing to work together to get what they want.

These personality traits lead to a few specific areas in which people with these characteristics tend to excel. For one, friendships are important to them. They value education and creativity, so they’re often drawn to teaching or working in the arts.

Hobbies and interests

Here are some of the common hobbies and interests of ENFJs:

  • Playing musical instruments:ENFJs are people-oriented and enjoy making others happy. They have a natural gift for charisma and persuasion, which means they’re often drawn to playing a musical instrument.
  • Swimming:Swimming is another activity that ENFJs enjoy, as it allows them to get some exercise while also spending time in nature. In addition, swimming can be a very social activity, as ENFJs often enjoy swimming with friends or family members.
  • Writing:Writing is another one of ENFJs’ hobbies and interests. They may enjoy writing stories, poems, or articles. However, they don’t just write for the sake of writing – they usually have a message or story that they want to share with others.
  • Arts:Arts are also important to ENFJs. They may enjoy painting, sculpting, or photography. Like with their other hobbies, ENFJs often express themselves through their art. They may use art as a way to communicate their feelings or ideas to others.
  • Painting:Painting is another hobby that many ENFJs enjoy. They may find painting to be therapeutic and relaxing. Additionally, painting can be a great way for ENFJs to express their creativity.

Strengths and weaknesses

Here are some of the strengths and weaknesses of ENFJs:


Here are the strengths of ENFJs:

  • Peacekeeping:The ENFJ personality type is frequently described as the “giver” or “mentor”. They are typically very altruistic, and often have a strong sense of justice. They are excellent communicators, and often have a gift for persuasion. ENFJs are typically very good at keeping the peace. They are usually patient and tolerant, and they have a knack for diffusing conflict. They believe in working towards compromise, and they generally prefer to avoid confrontation
  • Communication: ENFJs are excellent communicators. They are typically very expressive and articulate, and they have a way of making even complex topics easy to understand. They also tend to be adept at reading other people’s emotions, which makes them especially good at mediation and counseling.
  • Persuasiveness:ENFJs can be very persuasive when they want to be. Their natural charisma combined with their command of language makes them formidable debaters. When an ENFJ sets their mind to something, they usually find a way to get what they want in the end.


Here are the weaknesses of ENFJs:

  • Leap before looking: One potential weakness of the ENFJ personality type is that they may sometimes “leap before looking.” This means that they may be quick to take action without thinking things through completely first. This can lead to impulsive decisions that may not always turn out well.
  • Overcommitment:Because they are so passionate and compassionate, they may find themselves taking on more than they can realistically handle. They may also have a hard time saying “no” to people or requests, even when they know they should. This can lead to them becoming overwhelmed and stressed out.
  • Struggle to make decisions:Because they value harmony and want to avoid conflict, they may have a hard time making tough choices or decisions that could upset others. They might also tend to procrastinate when it comes to making difficult decisions.
  • Too selfless:The ENFJ’s selfless nature can sometimes be seen as a weakness if it’s not balanced with enough self-care. Because they are always focused on helping others, they may forget to take care of themselves both physically and emotionally. This can lead to burnout and resentment if their needs are not being met.

Career Options

If you ask an ENFJ what motivates them at work, they’ll likely tell you that it’s the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others. ENFJs are natural problem-solvers and often use their excellent intuition about other people to help resolve conflicts and promote progress.

ENFJs thrive in work environments where there is potential for making a real difference and where cooperation is valued. They often take on leadership roles because of their ability to see the potential in others and their vision for how things could be better.

Careers to choose as an ENFJ

Here are the careers you need to choose as an ENFJ:

  1. Editor
  2. Interpreter or Translator
  3. Photographer
  4. Actor
  5. Psychologist
  6. Author
  7. Primary school teacher
  8. Insurance Sales Agent
  9. Human Resources Manager
  10. Physical Therapist
  11. Receptionist
  12. Executive Assistant

Careers to avoid as an ENFJ

Here are the careers you need to avoid as an ENFJ:

  1. Carpenter
  2. Electrician
  3. Mechanic
  4. Computer Programmer
  5. Power Plant Operator
  6. Auditor
  7. Pathologist
  8. Systems Analyst
  9. Math Teacher
  10. Researcher
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