ESTP: What you need to know about them and their career options?

ESTPs are some of the most exciting people you can hope to meet. They’re always on the go, always seeking out new thrills and adventures. And they’re usually very good at putting out fires, both figurative and literal.

Their encounters with others are always full of energy and excitement. They’re quick to assess a situation and come up with an effective solution.

Let us know more about this dynamic personality type and the career options that are suitable for them.

What does ESTP stands for?

ESTP stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. People with this personality type are outgoing and enjoy spending time with others. They are often good at problem-solving and enjoy activities that require physical movement.

 ESTPs make up about four percent of the population. They are typically energetic and optimistic people who like to be in the moment. They may find it difficult to plan for the future or stick to schedules.

Combination of personality traits in ESTP

The different types of personality traits in an ESTP are:

1. Dominant – Extraverted Sensing

ESTPs rely heavily on their Extraverted Sensing (Se). This means that they take in information primarily through their five senses. They like to experience things for themselves and have a strong sense of what is happening around them. This allows them to react quickly and effectively in any situation.

2. Auxiliary – Introverted Thinking

Their Auxiliary function is Introverted Thinking (Ti). This gives them a logical perspective on things and helps them to see both sides of every issue. However, they may have difficulty communicating their ideas to others as they tend to think abstractly.

3. Tertiary – Extraverted Feeling

The Tertiary function of ESTPs is Extraverted Feeling (Fe). This affects how they interact with others and how they make decisions. ESTPs are very aware of the emotions of those around them and try to create harmony within groups. However, they may have difficulty expressings their own emotions which can cause problems in relationships.

4. Inferior – Introverted Intuition

The Inferior function of ESTPs is Introverted Intuition (Ni). This gives them a greater understanding of the world around them, but it can also make them feel anxious or overwhelmed when there is too much going on at once.

Personality Type of ESTPs in details

ESTPs are natural athletes who thrive on physical challenges and activities. They’re highly coordinated and excel in tasks that require quick thinking and reflexes. They’re also drawn to risky or dangerous activities, as they enjoy putting their skills to the test.

ESTPs focus on moment-to-moment activity and are always engaged in some form of stimulation. They’re good at solving problems quickly, as they’re able to see all sides of a situation and come up with creative solutions. ESTPs are also good in emergencies, as they can remain calm and use their rationality to respond quickly.

However, ESTPs can sometimes be impulsive and seek immediate gratification without considering the long-term consequences of their actions. This can lead them to make rash decisions or engage in risky behavior.

Hobbies and interests

Here are some of the hobbies and interests of ESTPs:

  • Outdoor sports: ESTPs are adventurous souls who love being outdoors. They are often drawn to outdoor sports such as hiking, camping, rafting, and rock climbing. They thrive on physical activity and enjoy pushing their limits.
  • Music: ESTPs are often passionate about music. They may play an instrument or sing in a band. They might also enjoy going to concerts and festivals. Music is a great way for ESTPs to express themselves and connect with others.
  • Travel: ESTPs love to travel and explore new places. They are curious by nature and want to experience everything the world has to offer. Traveling is a great way for ESTPs to learn about different cultures and people. It can also be a great opportunity for adventure and fun!
  • Parties & Socializing: ESTPs are social butterflies who love being around people. They enjoy hosting parties and going out on the town with friends. To them, life is all about enjoying the moment and having fun!

Strengths and weaknesses

ESTPs are known to be lively people and their strengths and weaknesses might surprise you.


Here are the strengths of ESTPs:

  • Can-do attitude: ESTPs have a “can-do” attitude that is infectious and inspires others to take action. They are action-oriented and hate sitting on the sidelines. This natural inclination towards taking initiative can be a great strength, particularly in work or school settings.
  • Great people skills: ESTPs are known for their great people skills. They are charming and outgoing, making them easy to like and easy to get along with. This makes them excellent team players who are able to build strong relationships with those around them.
  • Natural leaders: Due to their outgoing nature and ability to inspire others, ESTPs often make natural leaders. They are not afraid to take charge and have the confidence to get things done. This quality can be a great asset in both personal and professional situations.
  • Bold: ESTPs are bold people who are not afraid to take risks. This can be a great strength, as it allows them to seize opportunities that others may be too timid to pursue. It also makes them exciting and fun to be around.
  • Flexible: ESTPs are flexible people who are adaptable to change. This is a valuable quality in today’s ever-changing world. It allows ESTPs to roll with the punches and keep up with the latest trends.


Here are some of the weaknesses of ESTPs:

  • Judgmental: ESTPs are often quick to judge others, and they can be quite critical. They may see people who are different from them as wrong or inferior, and they may have a hard time understanding why someone would think or behave differently from them.
  • Impatient: ESTPs can be quite impatient, both with themselves and with others. They may have a hard time waiting for things to happen, and they may become easily frustrated when things don’t go as planned.
  • Disorganized: ESTPs often live in the moment and don’t plan ahead very well. This can lead to them being disorganized and chaotic, which can be frustrating for those around them.
  • Risk-taking: ESTPs often enjoy taking risks, both physically and emotionally. This can lead to them getting into trouble or making impulsive decisions that they later regret. They may also have a hard time understanding why others are not as willing to take risks as they are.
  • Insensitive: ESTPs can be quite insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. They may say or do things without thinking about how it will affect those around them. This can lead to conflict and hurt feelings, both for the ESTP and for those they care about.

Career Options

ESTPs like solving logical difficulties in the moment because they are aware of their resources and grounded in reality. ESTPs use prior experience to pick the optimal approach, and they are tangible, hands-on, and energetic. However, ESTPs may have problems visualizing abstract ideas, but they’re flexible: if something seems reasonable, they’ll try it.

Careers to choose as an ESTP

  1. Property Manager
  2. Insurance Agent
  3. Hotel Manager
  4. Airline Pilot
  5. Flight Engineer
  6. Civil Engineer
  7. Mechanical Engineer
  8. Military Officer
  9. Police Officer
  10. Firefighter

Careers to avoid as an ESTP

  1. Writer
  2. Librarian
  3. Physician Assistant
  4. Medical Assistant
  5. Veterinary Technician
  6. Public Health Nurse
  7. Chemist
  8. Market Researcher
  9. Psychologist
  10. Accountant
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