Everything you need to know about INFPs and their career choices

Are you an INFP? Do you know someone who is? If so, then you know that this personality type is one of the most interesting and complex out there.

INFPs are often described as “healers” because they focus on potential rather than reality. They see the world as it could be, not as it is. And they believe that everyone has the potential to be great.

With that being said, let us know more about this unique personality type and what are the career options that suits them.

What does INFP stands for?

The INFP personality type is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Individuals with this personality type are Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. They are known for being idealistic and compassionate, and they often have a strong sense of morality.

People with the INFP personality type tend to be introspective and interested in human psychology. They generally prefer solitary activities over social ones. They are typically very creative and have rich inner worlds.

Combination of personality traits in INFP

The different types of personality traits in INFP personality type are:

1. Dominant: Introverted Feeling

This trait is all about feelings and emotions. People with this trait tend to be very in touch with their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. They are usually very compassionate and caring people. Since it is the dominant function on INFPs, it is also the one that they are most likely to lead with in interactions with others.

2. Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition

This trait is all about intuition and ideas. People with this trait tend to be very creative and imaginative. They are usually good at seeing potential in people and situations, and are often able to come up with innovative solutions to problems. This function is less about concrete facts and more about abstract concepts.

3. Tertiary: Introverted Sensing

This trait is all about sensing details and memory recall. People with this trait tend to be very detail oriented and have a good memory for facts and details. They often like to collect things, and may have a tendency towards perfectionism. This function can sometimes cause people with this trait to get stuck in the past, or become overly Nostalgic.

4. Inferior: Extraverted Thinking

This is the weakest of the four functions on INFPs, but it still plays an important role in their personality type. People with this function tend to be very logical and analytical thinker. They usually prefer objective over subjective data, and like to make decisions based on logic rather than emotion. This can sometimes cause people with this function to seem insensitive or unemotional, but it also allows them to see things from a different perspective than other types.

Personality Type of INFPs in details

INFPs are quiet, introspective types. They prefer close friendships over large social gatherings, and they like to spend time alone. This isn’t shyness – INFPs just find that they have more energy when they’re by themselves.

INFPs rely on their intuition and focus on the big picture. They’re not as concerned with concrete facts and figures as they are with personal sentiment and feelings. This can make them seem idealistic or unrealistic at times, but it’s also what allows them to see potential in people and situations that others might miss.

INFPs prefer open-ended decisions – they like to leave room for change and growth. This can be challenging in a world that often demands certainty and finality, but it’s also what makes INFPs such creative problem-solvers.

Hobbies and interests

INFPs are known for their love of all things creative. From cooking and baking to writing and fashion, they enjoy expressing themselves in a variety of ways.

  • Cooking & baking: Cooking and baking is one of the many hobbies that many INFPs enjoy. They love being able to create something delicious that can be shared with others. And, they often find the process of cooking or baking to be therapeutic. It allows them to get lost in their own thoughts and explore their creativity.
  • Creative writing: Creative writing is another popular hobby for INFPs. They enjoy crafting stories and poems that are full of emotion and meaning. For them, writing is a way to connect with others and express their innermost thoughts and feelings.
  • Dance: Dance is another form of self-expression that INFPs enjoy. They love the feeling of moving their bodies to music and letting go of all inhibitions. Dance provides them with a sense of freedom and joy that they often crave in their everyday lives.
  • Fashion: Fashion is another outlet for INFPs to showcase their creativity. They love putting together outfits that reflect their unique style and personality. And, they often enjoy shopping for clothes as well!
  • Crafting: Crafting is another hobby that INFPs enjoy because it allows them to be creative while also making something tangible that they can use or gift to others

Strengths and weaknesses

As with any other personality types here are the strengths and weaknesses of INFPs.


Here are the strengths of INFPs:

  • Idealism: INFPs have high ideals and are always looking for ways to make the world a better place. They are passionate about their beliefs and will fight for what they believe in.
  • Integrity: INFPs have strong moral values and principles. They always try to do the right thing, even if it is not easy. They are honest and trustworthy.
  • Compromise: INFPs are willing to compromise on their principles in order to achieve peace and harmony. They believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect.
  • Dedication: INFPs are very dedicated to their causes. They are often working behind the scenes to make sure that everything is running smoothly.


Here are the weaknesses of INFPs:

  • Sensitivity: Sensitivity can be both a strength and a weakness, as it allows INFPs to be very compassionate and understanding people, but it can also make them overly emotional and susceptible to hurt.
  • Impractical: INFPs are also known for being impractical. They often have grandiose ideas that they want to bring to fruition, but they can lack the organizational skills or drive needed to make these plans a reality. This can lead to frustration for both the INFP and those who are close to them.
  • Selflessness: Another common weakness of INFPs is their selflessness. These individuals are often so focused on helping others that they neglect their own needs. This can lead to burnout and resentment if not carefully managed.
  • Vulnerability: INFPs can also be quite vulnerable. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and are often easily hurt by the words or actions of others. This vulnerability makes them beautiful souls, but it also makes them gullible.

Career Options

INFPs who are caring and creative tend to choose jobs that let them show off their personalities and the values they care about. A lot of INFPs find fulfilling jobs where they can use their empathic and caring natures, such as in the helping professions. INFPs often choose jobs in the creative and artistic fields because these jobs let them think freely and be themselves while still giving them a stable income.

Careers to choose as an INFP

  1. Graphic Designer
  2. Writer
  3. Multimedia Artist or Animator
  4. Genetic Counselor
  5. Nutritionist
  6. Film Editor
  7. Veterinary Technician
  8. Librarian
  9. Nurse
  10. Physical therapist
  11. Professor
  12. Elementary school teacher

Careers to avoid as an INFP

  1. Police Officer
  2. Military Officer
  3. Data Analyst
  4. Chemical Engineer
  5. Dentist
  6. Surgeon
  7. Systems Analyst
  8. Sales Manager
  9. Judge
  10. Auditor


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