ENTP: What you need to know about this personality type and their career options?

If you’re looking for someone who is always up for a challenge and loves to solve problems, then an ENTP is the perfect person for you. They’re curious and smart, and they want to understand their surroundings. Additionally, ENTPs are great at seeing the big picture and making connections that others might not see.

Let us know more about this personality type and what are the career options for them.

What does ENTP stands for?

ENTP is an acronym that stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Perception. This personality type is often referred to as the “inventor” or ” architect” due to their creative and innovative nature. Individuals with this personality type are constantly exploring new ideas and possibilities.

They are always looking for ways to improve upon existing systems and procedures. ENTPs thrive in environments where they can experiment and take risks. They are usually very good at problem-solving and are always up for a challenge.

Combination of personality traits in ENTP

Here are the different personality traits in ENTP:

1. Dominant – Extroverted Intuition

ENTPs tend to have strong extroverted intuition, or “gut feelings”. This means that they are quick to see patterns and trends, and they are good at spotting opportunities. They may sometimes have difficulty finishing projects because they get bored easily or find new ideas more interesting.

2. Auxiliary – Introverted Thinking

ENTPs also have introverted thinking as an auxiliary function. This means that while they are very good at coming up with ideas, they may sometimes struggle when it comes time to execute them. They like to think things through carefully before making decisions, but they may change their minds later if they come up with a better idea.

3. Tertiary – Extroverted Feeling

The tertiary function for ENTPs is extroverted feeling. This means that while ENTPs are mostly rational thinkers, they do consider how their actions will affect others emotionally. They don’t rely on this too much and can often be seen as being emotionless.

4. Inferior – Introverted Sensing

ENTPs have introverted sensing as their inferior function. This means that while they prefer to live in the moment and go with the flow, there are times when their past experiences can come back to haunt them. Memories of past failures or trauma can make them second-guess themselves even though they usually trust their gut instincts more than anything else.

Personality Type of ENTPs in details

If you’re looking for a creative problem solver, look no further than the Visionary – also known as the ENTP. These folks are fueled by difficulty and inspired by impossible-to-solve problems. They’re confident in their creative abilities and may presume others are too traditional to innovate.

The Visionary depends on inventiveness and rarely prepares. They trust themselves to adapt to new situations. ENTPs are experts at reinventing the wheel and seldom repeat tasks. They typically disregard conventions. Visionaries are uninspired by established techniques and would rather attempt something new.

Hobbies and interests

Bright, easily bored, and insatiably curious, ENTPs seek tasks that are both hard and rewarding. Here are some of the common hobbies and interests of ENTPs:

  • Debating:ENTPs are known for their debating skills. They are quick-witted and enjoy arguing both sides of an issue. This can make them very convincing, even when they don’t necessarily believe what they’re saying.
  • Playing Golf:Golf is a popular pastime for ENTPs. They enjoy the challenge of the game and the opportunity to socialize with other players.
  • Collecting:ENTPs often collect items that interest them. This could be anything from art to vintage cars. They enjoy the hunt for new and unusual items, as well as the satisfaction of adding to their collection.
  • Cooking:Cooking is another hobby that ENTPs enjoy. They are creative in the kitchen and like to experiment with new recipes. They also appreciate being able to share their culinary creations with others.
  • Reading:ENTPs enjoy reading, particularly non-fiction. They are curious and like to learn about new topics. This can make them interesting conversationalists as they are always up to date on the latest information.

Strengths and Weaknesses

There are quite a few strengths and weaknesses of this unique personality type. Let us know them.


Here are the strengths of ENTPs:

  • Fearlessness:ENTPs are often described as fearlessly innovative. They are unafraid to take risks and are always looking for new ways to push boundaries. This makes them natural entrepreneurs and leaders.
  • Charismatic:ENTPs are known for their charisma and ability to charm others. They are often the life of the party and can be very persuasive when they want to be. This makes them excellent salespeople, politicians, or public speakers.
  • Intelligent:ENTPs are extremely intelligent and quick-witted. They are able to see patterns and connections that others miss, and they love to solve complex problems. This makes them great thinkers, strategists, and inventors.
  • Flexible:ENTPS are highly flexible in their thinking and actions. They are always open to new ideas and willing to change plans on a moment’s notice if they see a better way of doing things. This makes them excellent managers, diplomats, or negotiators.


Here are some of the weaknesses of ENTPs:

  • Procrastination:ENTPs are notorious procrastinators. This is because they are so cerebral and conceptual that they can get lost in their own heads for hours at a time.
  • Disorganization: ENTPs are also often disorganized. This is because they are constantly coming up with new ideas and starting new projects. They may have trouble keeping track of all their thoughts and ideas, which can lead to a messy desk or home office.
  • Forgetfulness:Another weakness of ENTPs is their forgetfulness. Because they are always thinking about new ideas, they may forget important details or deadlines. This can be frustrating for those around them who depend on the ENTP to follow through on their commitments.
  • Impracticality:ENTPs can be impractical. This is because they are so focused on their theoretical understanding of the world that they may not consider the practical implications of their actions. This can lead to them making decisions that are not in their best interest or the best interest of those around them.

Career Options

ENTPs are systems thinkers – they see the world as a series of interconnected systems and are always looking for ways to make them more efficient and effective. This makes them excellent problem solvers, as they are able to quickly come up with creative solutions to complex situations.

Let us know some of the interesting career options for them.

Careers to choose as an ENTP

  1. Architect
  2. Civil Engineer
  3. Computer Network Architect
  4. Software Developer
  5. Web Developer
  6. Animator
  7. Actor
  8. Economist
  9. Politician
  10. Lawyer
  11. Private Detective
  12. Psychologist

Careers to avoid as an ENTP

  1. Optometrist
  2. Bank Teller
  3. Machinist
  4. Airline Pilot
  5. Receptionist
  6. Factory Supervisor
  7. Dietitian
  8. Clergy
  9. Library Assistant
  10. Elementary Teacher
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